Hey all i downloaded the OS 6 Icons from blackberry theme lab, i download it for ONLY Curve 8520, I want to show some <3 for 8520 so here i am just one suggestion what transitions would you like please tell me in order like fade for all etc.
Another good news.....
IT IS FOR 5.0 AND 4.6!!!!!
Theme still in progress i will make one with fade transitions and if any personal requests i will make it if i got time well wait only for 1 day or 3 hours and you will have it ENJOY and please please if you download theme please rate this thread and comment about it for eg -
Pros -
Cons -
Overall -
Just one thing i cant find the exact home screen layout like the silver lines but it will have a 12 icon scrolling dock and 2 icons on banner (profiles and a weather slot type) i dont think it will be awesome but i am trying to make it thx!
EDIT - Guys I installed Windows Emulator On My Mac and I Made The Jscroll I Dont Know How It Might Come Out Looks Good Let Me Get Your Opinion Now So Here You Are The Jscroll!
Jscroll -
5.0 - http://mybbota.com/download.php?id=2353
4.6 - http://mybbota.com/download.php?id=2354
Zen -
5.0 - http://mybbota.com/download.php?id=2345
4.6 - http://mybbota.com/download.php?id=2346