Saturday, May 29, 2010
Request - Blackberry 8520 Theme Song
Plz help me out thx!
I want it from this video on YouTube -
Thursday, May 27, 2010
BB OS 5.2 And 6.0
The Boy Genius guys cannot say more for the moment, even though we should expect more information sooner rather than later. I’m simply curious what RIM is doing besides that ugly half-touch half-QWERTY phone that we’ve seen last month. RIM should develop a phone with cutting-edge hardware as well as state-of-the-art software if it wants to outrun Apple’s iPhone. Could the Canadian manufacturer be the first to crush the Cupertino crew? Boy, I’d sure enjoy seeing this!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
BlackBerry 9800 slides onto our screens yet again

The more I see this device, the more I like it, and the more I want one. The 9800 has once again been pictured and sent out all over the blogs. This time showing is its horizontal, virtual keyboard along with a YouTube application. It also gives us a better look at the back of the device. All I know is, that device is sexy and I want a piece of the BlackBerry 6 pie. I’ve always liked the abomination of the BlackBerry series, the Storm, but I would like a physical keyboard too. With choices like that and BlackBerry 6, I can see this device going a long way with on-the-fence consumers. Maybe BlackBerry 6 and RIM’s slow approach at some new designs will attract some attention and take off, once again.
BlackBerry Bold 9800 images leaked, show off Webkit browser

It’s always pleasant to wake up to a nice BlackBerry leak, and today’s is no exception. A Cellular Guru tipster has managed to lay hands on a BlackBerry 9800 slider, and has released a few images showing off the new Webkit browser, and the BlackBerry 6 operating system. The browser seems to have a nice page-switching setup, and the 100% on the Acid3 test suggests RIM is taking this whole browsing thing seriously. The device is definitively looking to be a touchscreen (which has long been the rumor), and it looks as though SurePress has been left out (no real need, with the physical keyboard available) this time.
Of particular interest to those of us here at BBerryDog, is a small, relatively fuzzy photo (after the break, along with two other, much clearer shots), that shows the memory screen. Unless thine eyes are deceiving me, the 9800 in question has 3.2 gigabytes of free application memory! This would be an extraordinary step forward for RIM, who, as to date never released a device with more than 512 megabytes (and that’s the brand new Bold 9650). We’ll take this one with a grain of salt for now, but that prospect definitely has us excited. Check after the break for more photos, and let us know what you think in the comments
Monday, May 24, 2010
Blackberry Pearl 9100 Stratus Hi-Res. Images

We were lucky to get our hands on the BlackBerry Pearl 9100 Stratus for a couple of minutes. This next generation Pearl is a beauty. What we know about the Stratus:
Has TrackPad
Flash memory has been increased to 256 MB
The camera has a resolution of 3.2 MPX and flash
The screen has been clearly improved compared to previous models, Pearl (for it is worse than Bold or Tour)
It's running OS 5.0 and Platform 6.0
It has WiFi and 3G
The battery door, despite the striking similarity to that of the Storm, is made of plastic
BlackBerry Side layout is the same as the new BlackBerry devices
At the top of 9100 are multimedia keys
SIM card finally be easily removed
Thursday, May 20, 2010
App Review - Fancy Characters v2

With the app, you can add symbols to email, SMS, IM, PIN and BBM messages. The update even adds a tab to BBM 5.0 so you can drop in a symbol with just a few clicks. Check out the video above to see Fancy Characters in action.
Perfect app
App Review - BerryBuzz v2.2.11

Alerts, Your Way!
BerryBuzz extends your default Blackberry alert system. BerryBuzz allows you to customze the LED color for many alert types, it keeps the LED flashing for longer than the default 15 minutes and it will repeat alerts until acknowledged so you will never miss an alert again.
The best app ever using it forever worth every penny...
App Review - MeterBerry v2.0.9

Status Screen
Displays battery, memory, and device info.
Calculates average battery discharge rate over time.
Discharge rate is resettable, allowing you to detect a failing battery, or to determine how operating system updates or third party applications affect battery usage.
Discharge rate resets automatically upon application installation and when the phone is charged.
Calculates change in free application memory since the phone was last started, allowing you to detect memory leaks.
In my opinion this app is brilliant!!!!!
OEM Wallpapers Request
Tour 9630
Bold 9000
Curve 8900
Pearl Flip
Please please give them to me or email me at
Thanks or u can post' em here....
OR BBM ME - 21134320
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Theme Builder HELP Meterberry PLZ LOOK
**FREE** Precision Zen Weather
OS 4.6 -
CB -
Friday, May 14, 2010
**FREE** Cleanberry 5.0 and 4.6
Thursday, May 13, 2010
**FREE** Blackberry Curve 5.0 Jscroll 12 Icons
**FREE** Car Jscroll 5.0 and 4.6

Hello everybody here I am again with a BRILLIANT THEME I guess, I hope you like it please comment here, follow me and also comment on CB please Thx.....
OS 5.0 -
OS 4.6 -
CB -
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
**FREE** Simple Precision 5.0 And 4.6 Jscroll
**FREE** Simple Precision 5.0 Three Versions
Saturday, May 8, 2010
New Theme - Simple Zen 5.0 & 4.6
Theme OTA's ALL
Please select one link and go to the theme!
Hey All This Is My BB Blog With All Of My OTA's And Screenies
OTA or "over the air"
a link that can be accessed from your mobile device's browser. Your file will download directly to your device "Over The Air"
This is your Blackberry's operating system. The tour released with version 4.7 and now can be updated to 5.0. The version of your OS can effect the type of theme you can install.
Today or "hidden today"
A feature in the theme that lists either calendar items or unread messages when you scroll over corresponding icons.
Today is a type of default layout that shows messages and calendar icons along with the "today" lists, separate from the standard icons.
QuickLaunch is a great paid ($4.99) app that launches a menu on your homescreen that has a list of shortcuts to various apps, and links for easy access. Most of my themes launch this app (if you have QL installed) when you hit the spacebar on your keypad.
Wallpaper Friendly
This just means the theme allows full or nearly full visibility of your background image, or wallpaper.